
Four banks will offer phase withdrawal

From September 2016 all the pension beneficiaries from KPST will be able to withdraw their pension savings in phases through four banks: TEB, NLB, BPB and the Economic Bank. It was the initiative of KPST to offer pension beneficiaries more opportunities in withdrawing their savings, by aiming to include all the interested banks in this program.

We recall that all beneficiaries that have a pension saving balance over 3,000 Euros and more will go through the program of withdrawal in phases. The withdrawal for these beneficiaries will be 200 Euros per month for balances of 3,000 Euros to 20,000 Euros and with 1% of the amount for balances above 20,000 Euros. In each occasion the withdrawal of savings is done until the balance is exhausted. In these cases beneficiaries are provided with the opportunity of withdrawing 20% of the balance in one single payment the moment they apply for pension.

For amounts with a balance up to 3,000 Euros, the withdrawing of savings is done in one single payment.