
Board decisions in the meeting of September 2017

The Governing Board of the Kosovo Pension Savings Trust in its meeting held on 21-22 September 2017 after reviewing the state of all investments and investment funds, and based on the Investment Strategy and the recommendations of the Investment Committee, has decided on the following:

  • To withdraw: €27 mln from Pictet; €27 mln from Nordea GSE; €72 mln from Amundi 3M; €33 mln from BNY Mellon and €30 mln from the CBK account;
  • From these withdrawn funds to finance the following investments: €34 mln in Schroders GDG; €50.5 mln in BNP Parvest; €44 mln in AXA-OI; €27 mln in Vanguard, and €33.5 in Amundi Rendiment Plus;
  • To change the limits and targets of the strategic allocation matrix.