+ 90 million return on investment for January-February 2019
The Kosovo Pension Savings Trust (KPST) reports that for the period January- February 2019, the gross return on investment has amounted to about €90 million or an increase of +5.1% in share price.
With this very positive growth in the first two months of 2019, the decrease of unit price over the last three months of 2018 has been fully recovered, even exceeded.
KPST’s investment performance continues to be based on the long-term investment strategy adopted by the KPST’s Managing Board. While in the long run this strategy has proved to be successful with the return on investment of over €410 million since its establishment, should be noted that we continuously stated that short-term trends (ups and downs) in financial markets are usual as a cyclical process and in the near future it may be affected by the US- China agreement, Brexit and other geopolitical and macroeconomic issues.