
Decisions of the Governing Board on Investments, in the meeting held on 13 June 2019

The Governing Board for Pensions Savings Trust, in its meeting held on 13 June 2019 has reviewed the situation of all investments and investment funds, and addressed the recommendations of the Investment Commission.

Based on the recommendations of the Investment Commission, the Board unanimously approved the decision to withdraw funds in the amount of EUR 175 million from the Amundi 3M-I fund. These withdrawn funds will be invested in the following funds: EUR 33 million in BNY Mellon; EUR 33 million in Nordea SRF; EUR 26 million in Amundi RP; EUR 37 million in Schroders SB; and EUR 46 million in “S & P 500 500 Minimum Volatility Eur Hedged ETF” (ISIN: IE00BYX8XD24).