
The refund of 10% withdrawal for retirees of 2024 was executed

On July 26, 2024, the Government of Kosovo paid the second installment for the refund of contributors  who had accumulated up to 9,999 euros in the KPST account at the time of the application for the early withdrawal of the 10%. The priority of reimbursement of contributors is determined by the memorandum of cooperation between the KPST and the Government of Kosovo.

For the year 2024, the Government of Kosovo has reimbursed 1,873,875.75 euros for a total of 4,255 participants, who: (a) reached the retirement age of 65 this year (i.e. were born in 1959), or (b) died, and the savings theirs are withdrawn by their heirs (as of the 2023 refund).

On this reporting date, there were 2,464 participants with savings withdrawals (with a reimbursed amount of 1.17 million euros); and for them, on July 31, 2024, the KPST transferred the 10% reimbursed to the relevant bank accounts (to the savings account for participants in the phased withdrawal program or to the current account for persons with immediate withdrawal savings).

We recall here that in 2023 the Government of Kosovo had paid the first installment in the amount of 5,431,049.56 euros for all withdrawn accounts and those expected to be retired before and during 2023.

As for refunds to other participants, in accordance with the law, they will continue until end of year 2028.