
Governing Board decisions on investments on 15 March 2022

The Governing Board of the Kosovo Pension Savings Trust, based on the recommendations of the Investment Board Committee, in its meeting held on 15 March 2022 decided on the withdrawal and allocation of funds as follows.

1) Withdraw investments from the following funds:
a)All investment from BNP Paribas Target Risk Balanced fund;
b)€50 million from BNY Mellon Global Return;
c)€30 million from Crude USO ETF oil fund.

2) Invest the assets in the following funds:
a)€50 million in QQQ ETF;
b)€50 million in XOP ETF;
c)€20 million euros in Vanguard GSI;
d)€40 million in Vanguard GSI – if the fund price falls by 15% below the price of 31.12.2021;
e)€50 million in QQQ ETF – whenever the funds from the sale under point 1. are ready for investment.