
Decisions of the Governing Board in the meeting held in March 2018

In its meeting held in March, the Governing Board of the Kosovo Pension Savings Trust reviewed the situation of all investments and investment funds, and reviewed all recommendations from respective committees

Governing Board during the meeting rendered the following decisions regarding investments:

1) To sell €90m from Nordea SRF fund, 2) to sell €72m from BNY Mellon fund, 3) to sell all investments in Pictet HDS (€32m), as the Board believes that in the category where this portfolio operates there is little expectation for increasing value. 4) to invest additional €36m in Schroders GDG fund, 5) to invest additional €22m in BNP Paribas PDD fund, 6) to invest additional €40m in AXA WFOI fund, 7) to invest additional €64m in Amundi RP fund, and 8) to invest €32m in Vanguard GSIF fund.