
Governing Board decisions in the meeting of March 24, 2016

The Governing Board of the Kosovo Pension Savings Trust in the meeting of March 24, 2017, having reviewed the performance of investment funds as well as the overall performance of KPST, and as per proposals of Investment Committee, took the following decisions:

  • To change limits in the matrix on paragraph 5 of IPG in the Investment Manual.
  • To change the range and targets of the strategic allocation matrix.
  • To redeem €37m from the Vanguard fund;
  •  To make the following investments:

1) €14 Axa Gilb;

2)€12m Axa OI;

3) €22m Schroders GDG;

4) €22m BNP Parvest.

  • To bid on 5 year KS bond with 10m and interest rate of 2.2%.