
Governing Board decisions on investments on 5 October 2022

The Governing Board of the Kosovo Pension Savings Trust, based on the recommendations of the Investment Committee, on 5th October 2022 decided as follows:

1) To redeem fully:
a) Amundi EU Quality ETF,
b) USO Oil ETF,
c) Invesco Industrial Metals and
d) Nasdaq QQQ ETF.

2) Redemption fron Vanguard Global Index Fund of 2.34 million units.

3) Funds redeemed from Amundi EU Quality ETF to be placed with new position in  iShares S&P 500 Min. Volatility ETF.

4) Full redemption from Invesco Industrial Metals and USO Oil to be moved to cash – Amundi 3M.

5) Redemptions from Nasdaq QQQ ETF and Vanguard Global Index Fund to be split in three parts (by 33.33%) to be invested:
a) 34 million euro in Nordea GSE,
b) 34 million in Vanguard US Value ETF and
c) 34 million euro in iShares Core Dividend ETF.