
Plus €33 milion return on investments in Q1 2013

Prishtina, 18 April 2013 – Kosovo Pension and Savings Trust (KPST) continued to have highly satisfactory performance of investments in early 2013. From investments made, KPST has had a gross return of +33.47 million Euros in the quarter ended on March 31, 2013. Investment performance increased for 4.32% of the share price value, bringing it to 1.1652 Euros.

The first quarter ended with a considerable growth of assets under management. They totaled 795 million Euros from 740 million Euros that were at the end of 2012. As can be seen, an increase of 55 million Euros of assets under management came more from positive performance of the investments made, and less from monthly payments of pension contributions.

Table: Investment Performance by months

Month Return on investments
January + 14.01 m
February +6.71 m
March +12.75 m



Investment Policy and Strategy of the KPST Board, gave its fruits in the results reached in this quarter. KPST investment performance came mainly from the stock market, which contribute to 78% of the total return on investment. Global stock market performance was mixed, with better performance n the U.S., EU and Japan markets, and negative performance in emerging markets in Asia, Latin America and emerging markets in general. However, KPST has benefited in this occasion through the concentration of its investments in the markets with very positive results. Positive performance in the U.S. and the EU came as a result of the lack of adverse events with great effect in the markets. Specifically, during the quarter there were some very positive news in the U.S. regarding economic growth, trade deficit and unemployment, thus affecting the confidence strengthening among investors and consumers. On the other hand in the EU, although Cyprus faced the need for financial assistance from the EU, while Slovenia gave similar signals, markets were not much affected by these events. However, the debt crisis in the EU continues to be a concern for the KPST, as this problem is yet to be resolved.

Accounts statements distribution

KPST through the Post of Kosovo has started in March the distribution of statements on behalf of 387 thousand contributors that have open accounts in KPST at the end of 2012. From reports received from the Kosovo Post distribution process moves towards the completion. KPST encourages all contributors who may not have received the pension contribution statement to contact the KPST. We ask contributors to be attentive and to inform accurately and timely KPST for the changes in their address, otherwise sending of the statement will be impossible. In addition we invite contributors to apply for electronic account in KPST through which they can be informed on a daily basis via the Internet on the situation of their savings account. Application is easy and free.