Positive performance of the three investment portfolios for H1 of 2024
The performance of investments for the period from January 1 to June 30, 2024, concluded at a positive level for all three portfolios of the Kosovo Pension Savings Fund (KPST).
This is good news for the contributors of KPST, as this increase will be reflected in the balance of accumulated savings of the contributors in the respective percentages.
The data of the unit price change for each portfolio is presented in the following table:
Portfolio | Standard
(16 to 57 years old) |
(58 to 62 years old) |
(63 years old and up) |
Unit price in 31.12.2023 | €1.6764 | €1.00* | €2.1304 |
Unit price in 30.06.2024 | €1.7457 | €1.0086 | €2.16656 |
Change in unit price | 4.13% | 0.86% | 1.70% |
*Balanced Portfolio started implementation on 31 of March 2024.
The division of contributors into different portfolios based on their age (a project that started in 2022 and ended at the end of March this year) was done with the aim of better risk management, and to offer higher protection to contributors who are closer to retirement age.
Valued in nominal terms, for the first half of 2024 KPST has achieved a gross return from investments of around 118 million euros.
This positive result from the investments was achieved from the improvement of global macroeconomic indicators, especially the easing of inflationary pressure, but also an impact came from the tactical adjustments of allocation that the Governing Board of the undertook during this period.
The Governing Board, assisted also by the Management of the KPST, will continue to implement the investment principles approved this year (in the Declaration of Investment Principles), always in harmony with the current legislation, and with the main goal of increasing the value of pension savings; but also most effectively managing of investment risk, for all contributors of the KPST.