
The CBK Governor hosted in a meeting the KPST leaders

The Governor of the Central Bank of Kosovo (CBK), Mr. Fehmi Mehmeti, hosted yesterday in a meeting leaders of the Kosovo Pension Savings Trust (KPST). KPST at this meeting was represented by the Chairperson of the Managing Board, Mr. Ruzhdi Morina, who was accompanied by members of the KPST Managing Board and Managing Director.

The Governor, Mr. Mehmeti, was interested in the KPST’s investment status, the 2018 outcome and the actions that the Managing Board is expected to take during the following year.

On the other hand, the Chairman of the Board, Mr. Morina, informed the Governor about the developments related to KPST investments in the international financial markets, pointing out that the decline recorded in the last quarter of 2018, especially with the worst December in the history of financial markets, to an extend was compensated by the positive return that KPST investments have marked during January 2019.

Morina also stressed that KPST’s investments are based on a very prudent investment policy, based on a highly conservative balance between return and risk, which in the long-term has resulted in a very satisfactory investment performance, resulting with a positive return of around 380 million in the last 10 years.

In this context, despite the short-term volatilities of global markets, the Chairman of the KPST Governing Board emphasized that the long-term perspective of investments of pension contributions of Kosovo’s citizens is positive.

Closing the meeting Mr. Mehmeti, considered that the Governing Board should stick to its long-term investment strategy, but also look at how to effectively manage short-term volatilities.