
The Governing Board meets CBK Governor

The Chairman of the Governing Board of the KPST, Mr. Emanuel Bajra, accompanied by members of the Governing Board: Mrs. Mimoza Mustafa, Mr. Trim Shala, Mr. Shpresim Vranovci and the Managing Director, Mr. Adrian Zalli, held a meeting on October 26, 2023 with the Governor of the Central Bank of Kosovo, Mr. Ahmet Ismaili. This meeting, in addition to serving the courtesy of the two newly appointed parties, was also for the purpose of informing about the current, but also long-term, situation in the financial sector of the country.

Mr. Bajra informed the Governor about the activities and plans of the KPST, as well as the need to improve and complete the relevant legislation, which would enable the KPST to make more dynamic decisions and have a better responding governance to global changes.

On the other hand, the Governor, Mr. Ismaili, beside expressing his full readiness to support the KPST, as heavy-weight institution of the country, revealed parts of his plan for future developments in the sphere of the financial sector, financial supervision, payment system, capital markets and financial education.

During the meeting were discussed the possibilities and needs of inter-institutional cooperation in several fields, with the aim of enriching professional financial analyses.

The parties agreed to institutionalize the cooperation for decision-making based on data and models, always in full respect and without influence on the supervisory requirements and always in accordance with the applicable legislation.

Photo from the meeting