According to the decision of the Governing Board of the Kosovo Pension Savings Trust (KPST), taken in accordance with paragraph 9.4 of Law No. 04/L-101 on Kosovo Pension Funds, the balance of pension savings of contributors reaching the age of 63 is transferred from the Standard Plan to the Conservative Investment Plan.
The transfer to this Plan is aimed at protecting contributors who are close to retirement. The Conservative Plan will have at least 90% of the funds invested in the Treasury Bonds of the Republic of Kosovo, which are low-risk instruments offering a solid return on investment without significant fluctuations and with a positive return. Obviously, since the investments for this age group are only made in Kosovo, they are protected from fluctuations in international financial markets.
On technical terms, the price in the Standard Plan on 16.02.2022 (transfer day) was EUR 1.674594 per unit. The starting price of the Conservative Plan is set at EUR 2.00 per unit in order to be easily distinguishable from the Standard Plan price. The value of savings in the Standard Plan on 16.02.2022 is used to purchase units in the Conservative Plan.
It should be noted that as a result of this transfer the value of contributors’ savings has not changed. However, contributors’ can follow the subsequent performance of the Conservative Plan through the eTrusti portal or the KPST website.