
Heads of KPST host in a meeting the heads of USAID Mission in Kosovo

On 5 March 2018, heads of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) paid a visit to the Kosovo Pension Savings Trust (KPST). USAID visit was led by Mr James Hope, Director of the USAID Mission in Kosovo, accompanied by Mr Brian Martalus, Director of the Office for Economic Development, and Mrs Dardane Peja, Project Management Specialist. On behalf of KPST, present at the meeting were Ymer Havolli, Chairperson of the Governing Board of KPST, accompanied by Mr Hajdar Korbi, Member of the Governing Board, Mr Valdrin Kasumaj, member of the Governing Board and Mr Adrian Zalli, Managing Director of KPST.

After welcoming the USAID representatives, Mr Havolli expressed the gratitude and appreciation on behalf of KPST for the valuable and extraordinary assistance that USAID provided for the establishment and development of this institution. He also briefly informed the guests about the development of institution since its establishment until the end of 2017, pointing out that investment performance based on investment strategy is continuing to deliver positive results, and thus only during the last year, namely in 2017, the gross return on investment was over 100 million euros. Mr Havolli informed USAID officials with other relevant information regarding the activity of this institution; including the number of contributors, retirements, investment aspects and relations that KPST has with supervisory institutions.

On his part, Mr Hope, expressing his thanks for the hospitality, stated that he highly praises the history and importance of this institution for Kosovo, by praising it as a positive and successful example of continuous development and maturity of this institution since its establishment (16 years ago). Furthermore, Mr Hope was also interested in concrete information about the development of institution, including the investments, age group of contributors and the mandate of Board members, regarding which was informed by KPST representatives. In the end Mr Hope said that KPST is one of USAID’s most successful projects in Kosovo and that this institution should continue to preserve its decision-making independence.

The meeting was concluded in a highly positive spirit of mutual regards, with the desire for cooperation and communication to advance even further in the future.

USAID Delegation consisted of (from left to right): Mr Brian Martalus (Director of the Office for Economic Development), James Hope (Director of USAID Mission in Kosovo) and Mrs Dardane Peja (Project Management Specialist)


KPST delegation consisted of (from left to right): Mr Hajdar Korbi (member of the Governing Board), Mr Ymer Havolli (Chairperson of the Governing Board), Adrian Zalli, Managing Director and Mr Valdrin Kasumaj (member of the Governing Board)

Takimi me USAID_FKPK