
KPST among the top three pension funds for 2020 in the Active Management category by IPE Awards

Kosovo Pension Savings Trust (KPST) has received a “Highly Commended” recognition by IPE Awards 2020 – the main professional event of awards for public and private pension funds in Europe. For details please visit the link: https://ipe.swoogo.com/ipeawards2020/winners2020

This commendation represents a high achievement as it ranks KPST alongside other leading pension funds such as the Swedish AP4 and the winner of this category, Amonis OFP.

Active Management is highly competitive with more than 70 pension funds seeking the award. The category award is focused on areas such as: dynamic asset allocation, risk management, drawdowns, tactical overlays, fund selection etc.

KPST has managed to significantly reduce the impact of falling markets in 2020 due to Covid-19 and has maintained a low degree of volatility while simultaneously participating on the upside as markets recovered in the second half of 2020. The gross return for KPST in 2020 was €72m.

Illustrative photo: winners of the silver IPE Awards 2020
