
KPST Representatives met with the Minister of Finance

Members of the Governing Board and the Managing Director of KPST met with the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kosovo, Mr. Avdullah Hoti. On behalf of KPST, Mr. Ymer Havolli, Chair of the Governing Board, opened the meeting whereupon he informed Mr. Hoti about the KPST investment performance as well as this year expectations.

The main topic of the meeting was the process of amending and supplementing of Law No. 04/L-101, which, according to Minister Hoti, is expected to be submitted soon to the Assembly for review. Expected amendments to the law will affect the investment section, allowing KPST more flexibility and adaptation with the development of the institution since the initial adoption of the law. In addition, these amendments will also regulate aspects of functioning of the Governing Board and respective committees.

Furthermore, during the meeting, it was also discussed about the issue of phased withdrawal provided by banks, the engagement of the representative of the Government of Kosovo to the Board, and the need of KPST to expand its operational office.

Photo from the meeting:
