
KPST wins the “Silver” award for the Annual Report 2013

The Annual Report 2013 prepared by the Kosovo Pension Savings Trust (KPST) won the “Silver” award of the League of American Communications Professionals (LACP) in the competition of non-profit organizations. According to jury’s evaluation, the Annual Report of the KPST was scored with 97 points out of 100 potential points. In this competition “Goodwill Industries of Kentucky, Inc.”, an NGO for disabled persons from the United States, won the “Platinum” award. In the competition for digital version of the report, KPST won the “Bronze” award. Details of this competition could be found by clicking in the following internet address:http://www.lacp.com/2013vision/awards-annual-report-competition-kosovo-pension-savings-trust.htm

Each year, the LACP organizes this prestigious annual reports evaluation competition, attended by many of the major worldwide non-profit corporations and organizations. It was the annual report of “Deimler AG”, a manufacturer of vehicles and buses from Germany, which won this year the General Award, being scored with 99 out of 100 potential points.

In addition to the non-profit organizations competition, the jury also awarded the KPST with “Acknowledgement” for the letter addressed to contributors of the reports from Europe, Africa and Middle East.

When preparing the Annual Report 2013, the objective of KPST was to upgrade: design and visual effect, transparency, reading ease, contents and statistics, as well as informing of readers. KPST is very proud for these awards granted by the LACP, as the commitment dedicated to this project has got international recognition, which also means fulfillment of the goals of the KPST project team and institution.

If you would like to visit the Annual Report 2013 click here: AR2013

Ilustration: The list of winners for Annual Report 2013 (click in the following link to visit it on internet: http://www.lacp.com/2013vision/non-profits.htm)